How to Be an Optimist: 8 Simple Tricks to Beating the Negativity

I am a natural optimist. Being an optimist is part of being a head-in-the-clouds Pisces and it’s just who I am. But, working for myself and trying to build a business and brand for the past year and a half has shown me that it can be hard to stay that way. Even on my best, most productive days, I have moments of doubt, anger, and questioning. I know these things are completely natural when you’re a new entrepreneur, but Read More …

7 Powerful Positivity Practices You Can Start Immediately

Positivity makes everything better. Sometimes, when you’re down, you just have to trick yourself into being positive. Even if your initial positive thoughts are fake or forced, they will eventually become genuine. Optimism and positivity are so important to an entrepreneur’s daily life, yet they are so easy to overlook. When you’re struggling to figure out what to do, when you’re struggling to make money, it’s easy to get down. But, just like I wrote about with productivity last week, Read More …