Quick Update 2/17/16: I’ve Barely Slept in the Last 24 Hours

The last 24 hours have been weird ones.

Yesterday was a good day. I got my main task done for the day, and then continued to work on the site for the guitar product. Specifically, I worked on designing the sales letter page of the site.

I’m trying something new with this one. See, for the last several years, I’ve mainly been a WordPress guy. While I worked in Joomla and dabbled with a mixture of Fireworks, Dreamweaver, and my own HTML at my day job at the music publisher (I learned some HTML when I was about 12 or 13), but I always stuck to WordPress for my own sites.

Well, a few weeks ago, I started playing with the site for the guitar product in WordPress and just wasn’t coming up with anything I was in love with. For a while now, I’ve been hearing about a site called Wix, and I decided to give that a try yesterday.

So far, I’m digging the ease of use with the site and think it could be a useful tool for my business. I need to dig deeper and learn more about it, but I like it so far. It’s a totally customizable site editor, but you (seemingly) need to know nothing about coding yourself.

On to the weird stuff.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t a good reason that I didn’t sleep much in the last 24 hours. It was because of my dog (and maybe a racing mind) … not because I was on a roll with the guitar product.

I was having a super hard time falling asleep last night, and about 20 minutes after I finally did, Walter got sick and threw up a few times over the course of an hour or hour and a half. This was at about 2:30 in the morning.

After we cleaned up and finally got over the paranoia that it was going to happen again, it was somewhere between 4:30 and 5 that I finally fell back to sleep. I continued to wake up every so often afraid that he’d be sick again, and then it was time to get up around 7. We have a Rover dog staying with us right now and I had to take them both out and then try to start my day.

Needless to say, a cumulative hour and 23 minutes of sleep (give or take) is not enough to be a fully functional human being in a day, let alone try to be productive on a big (your first) product launch. Today has not been my best day. Ha!

Now, however, after filling up on fresh pots and getting this post done (I didn’t get one done yesterday…), I’m feeling ok and like I can get at least a couple of business related things done now. As long as I can reach out to a couple people today to get some testimonials to use in my sales letter (the final piece of THAT puzzle), I’ll feel alright about today. I think I may continue to play with the site on Wix some, as well.

A quick note about my sales letter: I’ve considered it “done” for several weeks now, even though the testimonials section was pending. The reason I’ve been comfortable with moving on from this and waiting is because once I get the 3 or 4 that I need, it’s as simple as copying and dropping them into the sales letter. Bing, bang, boom … Not any actual work on my part. I mean, it’ll take 2 minutes to drop them in, and there were bigger fish to fry when that part came up. Maybe it wasn’t the best example of “staying in the box,” but I’m ok with it.

I may be bouncing around in sections of my business more than I should, but it’s all a learning experience. Would I like to have done (or be doing) things differently? Yes. But I’m constantly adapting and changing every day and figuring out what works best for me. This is a huge first product to launch and I know I’ll come out the other side wiser and ready to scale up.

And be more efficient.

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