Quick Update 2/15/16: Weekend Catch-up

I took a little weekend break from writing, but here’s a quick catch-up since my last note. 

Saturday was mainly a non-work day. My nephew’s birthday party was in the morning, so Meag and I went up to Orange County for that, met her mom for lunch, then sat in gnarly traffic trying to get home to San Diego. At night, we had a nice hang with one of our best friends (and now neighbor) Danielle. Boring for you reading this, I know, but I’m writing everything these days so DEAL WITH IT! 😉

Anyway, I say it was mainly a non-work day because, even though I didn’t do any actual, results-focused work that day, I spent some time in my head thinking about my business and Meag and I had a good chat about it while we were driving. I find myself constantly thinking about my work, even when I’m not physically working on it. Sometimes I’m down on myself because I feel less than productive (why I don’t just start working at that point, I don’t know). This is probably unhealthy.

Other times I’m half daydreaming and half visualizing. This part, I think, is healthy. Call it the “Secret,” call it manifesting … call it whatever you want. I think it’s important to spend time every day letting your brain wander to the possibilities and then zeroing in on them to know and decide what you want out of your life and your business.

Yesterday, besides the usual in-the-head business thinking, I got nothing done (again) for the guitar book, yet was extremely busy as musician-PJ had a church gig in the morning (2 services) and a rehearsal for his next show. I’m playing bass in a short run of “Lucky Stiff” at Grossmont College next month. I’m not familiar with the show, but it seems like it’s going to be a heck of a lot of fun. The music is a little challenging (especially reading the hand-written, copy-of-a-copy-of-a-copy book), but it’s really fun and I can see it coming together as a cool show. Plus, I’ve been told that the show is basically “Weekend at Bernie’s” set in Monaco. And as a musical.

That sounds freaking rad!

Today, so far, Meag had the day off so we slept in a little (I haven’t done that since the honeymoon) and went to yoga. We got lunch, she’s getting a manicure with Danielle, and I’ve been working at a coffee shop for a little while this afternoon. We’re going to meet back at home in a bit and take the last few pictures I need to complete the 2nd and 3rd bonuses, and then probably cook some dinner and relax.

Cheers to you all for following along with me this far. I’ll be back tomorrow and I’m looking forward to a hardcore day of focus and tangible progress.

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