Quick Update 11/16/15

Greetings good people,

Another quick update on this lovely, windy Monday

Today was a hugely productive day. I spent the morning finishing up the edits from my personal proofreading for the guitar book, and then sent it off to my great friend, David Ryan Norgren, for a round of proofing from him. After that, I’ll have my fiancé go over it for the non-muso’s perspective, and then Dave and I will go over it once more.

I’m feeling pretty good about the book and it’s well on its way. I’m still working on a title and will then need to design a cover, but the meat and potatoes are there. I guess I just need to make dessert.

After that, I took some time to catch up on some other internet happenings, and then jumped in to the Sales Letter section of the Alex Jeffreys Coaching Academy. I’ve spent the majority of the last six or seven hours watching videos and taking notes, and I’m pretty excited about writing my sales letter. I’ve always been into writing so I always thought this part would come naturally. It’s certainly a different style than I’ve ever really worked in/on, though, so there are some new things I’ll need to focus on. Thankfully, Alex is breaking it down in a way that will make it much easier and I’m hoping that by following his formula, I’ll be able to fill in the blanks simply and quickly.

That’s it for this quick update. My goal is to have the sales letter finalized by the end of this week, but I may need to adjust that based on the mentoring phone calls and how good my first pass is. Wish me luck!

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